Real Impact of Procurement-as-a- Service

February 10, 2023

You know that disruption is coming your way. What is your survival strategy? 

Today’s disruption looks and sounds an awful lot like “inflation.” 

The painful part about inflation is paying more for the same services—or paying more and even getting less. Vendors and providers pass their costs down to you. But that money has to come from somewhere, so you have to start cutting in some places, and charging your customers more in others. When you pass your costs down to your customers, they play the same game—so how long until they decide they have to cut your services to mitigate costs? The world is complicated, and the cost problem is only growing.

You can beat the disruption of inflation—or any disruption that the market and economy throws at you—if you are able to stabilize cash flow and reduce the bottom line. Your organization becomes more agile. Your outlook becomes more stable. You know what to expect, so you can do a better job of predicting outcomes and managing surprises when they hit. 

That’s the purpose of procurement-as-a-service.

Here are hard facts and data to show how procurement-as-a-service can help you beat the disruption in the market and keep the keel upright during stormy times.

Interested in learning more about procurement-as-a-service for your firm?  

Learn how leading firms are partnering with Concertiv to reduce spend, minimize risk, and save time across key spend categories.